Affiliate Links

These Links help me "keep the lights on" so to speak so please try and use any of the following links to platforms you may already be using!

Real-Debrid Real Debrid is a cloud torrent and file host aggregate and seedbox/caching platform. I use it with Stremio for the ultimate entertainment streaming setup.

All-Debrid AllDebrid is a site that allow to generate links and download speeds from more than 56 file hosts and 1455 streaming platforms, without having to pay a premium account on each file hosters.

Debrid-Link Similar to Real-Debrid and All-Debrid, With Debrid-Link you can download or watch files from +150 hosts with one account.

NextDNS This one is something I cant live without anymore, I used to run Pi-Hole and Adguard Home in my home env but once I tried NextDNS and considering how cheap it is I quickly switched over. No more self hosting DNS, faster queries, works with my AD DNS setup as well. Highly Recommend, tons of block lists available. also works great on Mobile's, Gl-inet Devices like the home or travel routers in my guides, and browsers!

Call-Centric - Sip Trunk Provider, Very afforable, supports many different ATX, IP Phone and PBX brands, easy setup.

Amazon Affiliate - Amazon Affiliate link, Helps me keep things going!

Fiverr - Fiverr Affiliate Link, like amazon it helps me keep things going!

NordVPN - Pretty decent VPN service with good refferal offers. Remember that VPN providers like this are not a replacement for the Digital Nomad VPN but is a good thing to have for your personal devices to protect them from rando wifi as well as gain access to sites in your home nation while abroad

NordLocker - NordLocker is an end-to-end encrypted file storage option from the NordVPN folks. Seems pretty decent so far, I have a mix between onedrive for business (I run full Hybrid AD setup with E5 licenses) and NordLocker.